Exciting Curriculum Updates

Woodlands Academy are proud to introduce a range of Curriculum updates that will improve our offer to pupils across Key Stage 3 and into Key Stage 4.
Firstly, British Sign Language has been added to the Key Stage 3 Curriculum with every pupil working towards a Level 1 award that will be achieved in Year 9. Within the next couple of years, British Sign Language will become an option for Key Stage 4 pupils where they can work towards Level 2.
Similarly, Drama is a new addition to the Key Stage 3 Curriculum and, like British Sign Language, will become a Key Stage 4 option. Keeping on the creative theme, the school have also partnered with soundLINCS to provide music provision in Key Stage 3.
All of these improvements have been made in addition to the current Curriculum offer, not at the detriment to any other subjects.
Another change will come during the Friday enrichment sessions where a wider range of different activities will be available, including music, drama, sensory sessions and sport.