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Email: enquiries@woodlands-cit.co.uk

Author: Jacki Bartram

Woodlands Academy

Lindum employee helps pupil work the hose

Year 10 Engineering Trip

The end of term brought about a well-deserved trip for our Year 10’s. Engineering is a growing industry and at Woodlands Academy we are showing our pupils what a great…
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‘The Happening’

Woodlands Academy are proud to have been a part of ‘The Happening’ alongside Sleaford Police Station. Pupils came back really positive about the experience and school staff were delighted to…
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We need you!

Would you like to find out more? Please get in touch, send us an email: enquiries@woodlands-cit.co.uk

Pupils take part in Spilsby Light Night

Spilsby Light Night took place on Saturday, 17th February and illuminated the town. The highlights this year included art installations, captivating acts, a fairy light parade, interactive music, and community…
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Pupil Training Feedback

We received a lovely letter this week from GroupTogether who visited the school recently. David Downes, Training & Events Manager, sent us this wonderful message below, so we thought we…
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Tong staff member show pupils around the factory

Careers Visit

Woodlands Year 9 pupils had an opportunity recently to visit Tong Engineering in Spilsby. The pupils received a guided tour by Jim Worley, Process Improvement Manager at Tong, who explained the process…
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pupils cleaning the pond

Helping the Habitat

Pupils on the Land-Based Studies programme at Woodlands Academy spent the morning in the woodland managing the pond in preparation for the arrival of spring. Water quality in a pond…
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cinderallas carriage

Local Pantomime

The cast and chorus of Trusthorpe Village Hall Theatre Group have been working super hard on this year’s Pantomime….. Cinderella!! Make sure you don’t miss out on the 75th Trusthorpe…
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Employer discusses career options with a pupil

Business Breakfast Success!

Pupils at Woodlands Academy enjoyed an inspiring morning on Friday 12th January as they took part in a carousel of personalised one-to-one careers conversations with eight local and countrywide businesses.…
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Business Breakfast Carousel

Woodlands Academy are hosting a Business Breakfast and Careers Carousel for local and countywide businesses on the Friday 12th of January 2024. Businesses are invited to come to a networking…
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