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Woodlands Academy

Business Breakfast Carousel

Woodlands Academy are hosting a Business Breakfast and Careers Carousel for local and countywide businesses on the Friday 12th of January 2024. Businesses are invited to come to a networking…
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Fine Dining at the No.Thirty8

KS4 pupils had a very special treat before breaking up for Christmas. Our Woodlands Food Tech Class visited Fine Dining Restaurant – No.Thirty8 at The Tower Hotel in Lincoln. The…
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Pupils and staff enjoying Christmas lunch

Christmas Dinner

This year’s Christmas Dinner was held in school last Thursday. All the pupils and staff had a really great time with a lovely traditional lunch followed by Christmas cake or chocolate…
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Parent/Carer Workshop

In the Keeping Safe Online Survey of 2023, Lincolnshire Children who reported having less parental supervision online were more likely to report being bullied online. Effective parental/guardian supervision of a…
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Pupil trying our 'drunk goggles'

Drug & Alcohol Workshop

On Wednesday 6th November, Years 9, 10 and 11 pupils had a visit from the “We are with you” group who presented a drugs workshop for them. ‘With You’ is a charity providing confidential…
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Escape Room Team Work

During PSHE recently, ‘Wilson Class’ completed their own Escape Room! Miss Dawson supported the pupil’s to further develop their team work skills. The pupils needed to work together through a…
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Wooden reindeer made by pupils

Woodland Reindeer

We have a new family of Reindeer taking residence at Woodlands Academy! The reindeer were constructed by the Land-Based Studies and Design and Technology pupils. Pupils on the Land-Based Studies…
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Parent and staff chat over coffee

Successful Parent Coffee Morning

We held our second Parent Coffee Morning on Friday 10th November. It was lovely to see such a supportive group of parents in attendance. Parents were able to talk to Miss Turner…
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Spilsby War Memorial

Woodlands pupils and staff pay respects

Remembrance Sunday is held every year as a day to commemorate the contribution of British and Commonwealth military and civilian servicemen and women in the two World Wars and later…
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Bug Hotel

Helping Mother Nature

Our year 8 pupils at Woodlands Academy have been constructing ‘Insect Hotels’, as part of their Design and Technology lessons, and they are fantastic! The pupils would like to try…
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