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Email: enquiries@woodlands-cit.co.uk

Ask Dan Anything (an event for parents and carers)

Woodlands Academy

Ask Dan Anything (an event for parents and carers)

Over two thirds of students surveyed in the LSCP 2022 Keeping Safe Online Survey indicated that they access their devices once they have gone to bed, and that many parents and carers don’t know anything about what they do online. The survey also showed when parents talked openly to their children about their activity online, those students were less likely to experience cyberbullying and more likely to access support.

Lincolnshire County Council want to give you the information and tools to help you feel confident enough to protect your children and young people from online harm. Dan Hawbrook, their resident Online Guru will chat you through different apps, online trends, parental controls and any other burning questions you may have! Sign up is required.

The event is online and will take place on Wednesday 14th June 6pm to 7pm.

This is a FREE event. Click below to reserve a place.

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